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Our Artists

Brushes with Greatness purveys a broad, international network of emerging and established talent across our various activities. BWG Gallery publically and privately exhibits and advances the careers of a smaller selection of early-mid-career artists; whose art explores themes centering around naturalcultural hybridity in traditional media. Meet our core talent below.

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Joe Grieve PV Install-7308.jpg

Drawing | Painting

Joe Grieve

Drawing | Painting

Hira Gedikoglu

Drawing | Printmaking

Sculpture | Painting

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Laura Kiddie

Drawing | Painting


Cayetano Sanz de Santamaria

Drawing | Printmaking

Sculpture | Painting

Suhaylah Hamid

Drawing | Painting

Composing | Film

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Vasilis Avramidis


James Dearlove

Drawing | Painting

Maxim Burnett

Drawing | Painting

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